Rev. Meredith Hutchison, MM, MDiv
Meredith is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ with 41 years of experience in ministry. She has been a caregiver and works with those who are involved in this role. She has offered workshops on caring for the caregiver. She also offers direction in times of grief. She has a wealth of experience in working with clergy but also brings her experience in working with the laity. She is an Associate Ministry Director, located in Murrysville/Greensburg, PA, and is a supervisor intern.
Meredith offers individual and group spiritual direction (in person and via Zoom, telephone, or FaceTime), Ignatian silent-directed retreats, and the 19th Annotation Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life.
Meredith is a member of the WVIS faculty. She is a certified supervisor for individuals offering group spiritual direction programs and a supervisor for individuals offering individual spiritual direction and/or the 19th Annotation in Daily Life.