Rev. Meredith Hutchison, MM, MDiv

Rev. Meredith Hutchison, MM, MDiv

Associate Spiritual Director

Meredith is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ with 41 years of experience in ministry. She has been a caregiver and works with those who are involved in this role. She has offered workshops on caring for the caregiver. She also offers direction in times of grief. She has a wealth of experience in working with clergy but also brings her experience in working with the laity. She is an Associate Ministry Director, located in Murrysville/Greensburg, PA, and is a supervisor intern.

Meredith offers individual and group spiritual direction (in person and via Zoom, telephone, or FaceTime), Ignatian silent-directed retreats, and the 19th Annotation Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life.

Meredith is a member of the WVIS faculty. She is a certified supervisor for individuals offering group spiritual direction programs and a supervisor for individuals offering individual spiritual direction and/or the 19th Annotation in Daily Life.

Murrysville and Greensburg,Pennsylvania